[1 hour ago]
damp confirmed max charges is supposed to be 2500
[1 hour ago]
[1 hour ago]
the board is easy to miss XD
[1 hour ago]
because i didnt see board xD
[1 hour ago]
when i was first time on starter i thought what should i do there
[1 hour ago]
[Sir Dope]
good ;3
[1 hour ago]
[Sir Dope]
Good ;3
[1 hour ago]
ty , hey guys hows everyone doing ?
[1 hour ago]
click the board to claim the rewards
[1 hour ago]
[Sir Dope]
supp zanex
[1 hour ago]
wb zanex
[1 hour ago]
they will give you gear, cosmetics and inf prayer + overload
[1 hour ago]
and click the board
[1 hour ago]
and finish the 50 kills at the 3 npcs there
[1 hour ago]
go to ::starter
[1 hour ago]
if you are new and dont have inf ovl and inf praye
[1 hour ago]
[Lil Homie]
[1 hour ago]
::ref bastion, 2025, thanks, nsomnia, inherited, catherby, runelocus
[1 hour ago]
Welcome! Begin at ::starter. Use ::freedonator and ::collectors.
[1 hour ago]
lil homie do the following
[1 hour ago]
[Lil Homie]
[1 hour ago]
click prayer skill and right click altar
[1 hour ago]
[Lil Homie]
where can i swap pray
[1 hour ago]
rank zone tickets are from the mini bosses boxes, i just said that.
[1 hour ago]
how to get those tickets? just killstuff?
[1 hour ago]
mini bosses have a kc req from the prior mini boss
[1 hour ago]
[A God]
ahh i c ic ty ^^^^
[1 hour ago]
[A God]
or have to go in order :O
[1 hour ago]
[A God]
iuf you unlock a boss do u also unlock the corresponding mini zone?
[1 hour ago]
and you can loot a chest for bonds.
[1 hour ago]
click rank zone ticket, talk to npc with 200 rank zone tickets
[1 hour ago]
[Sir Dope]
true; 3
[1 hour ago]
mini boss boxes also give rank zone tickets
[1 hour ago]
bosses are for gear and cllues and keys
[1 hour ago]
mini bosses are for kc to unlock bosses without paying
[1 hour ago]
[Sir Dope]
ahh im doing minis xd
[1 hour ago]
clues are from bosses
[1 hour ago]
i opened like 400 got like 3 pieces of gear
[1 hour ago]
lol what
[1 hour ago]
[Sir Dope]
how u get clues easily then
[1 hour ago]
on ::starter click the board for you progress there
[1 hour ago]
ive been in an instance and its not aoe
[1 hour ago]
idk i just opend 70 and got like 15 peices of gear
[1 hour ago]
u get a 3x3 aoe statue, then you can upgrade it by clicking bastion coin
[1 hour ago]
from the boxes
[1 hour ago]
yeah mani the drop rates are very bad tho
[1 hour ago]
[Sir Dope]
liam u can use aoe in instance, and u can make it to 8x8 by using bastion coins
[1 hour ago]
aoe is from ::starter
[1 hour ago]
double picks are not in game yet